

NameCategoryJob TitleTeacher FieldTeacher Pro
Huang, Tung-YangFull-time FacultyProfessor and Chairman
YA-TZU YUFull-time FacultyProfessorancient Chinese novels, ancient Chinese super nature stories, and ancient Chinese literary theoryancient Chinese novels, ancient Chinese super nature stories, and ancient Chinese literary theory
Lin,Chin-yenFull-time Faculty特聘教授Chinese Paleography, Ancient Philology, Scholium
Lin, Shu-ChenFull-time Faculty特聘教授
Lo, Hsiu-MeiFull-time FacultyProfessor
Lin, Jen-YuFull-time FacultyProfessor
Hsieh, Kun-HuaFull-time FacultyProfessor
Tsai, Miao-ChenFull-time FacultyAssociate ProfessorTso Chuan, Classical Chinese Fiction, Applied Linguistics
CHEN Chien-YuanFull-time FacultyAssociate ProfessorCultural studies, East Asian popular culture, cultrual anthropology, tourism studies
Siu Chun SingFull-time FacultyAssociate ProfessorCollege Chinese, Laozi and Zhuangzi, Xunzi, Reading of Classical Chinese Traditional Thought, Introduction to PhilosophyMasters in the pre-Qin period
Hew, Yuen-SueyFull-time FacultyAssociate ProfessorChinese Phonology, Lexicology, Scholium, Dialectology, Language and Culture, Phonetics, College Chinese, Rhetoric, Study of Old Chinese Phonology, Study of Middle Chinese PhonologyChinese Phonology, Etymological, Dialectology
Shiau,Han-ChenFull-time FacultyAssociate ProfessorMing-Qing Literature、Edo Literature、Comparative Literature
Chia-chi ChaoFull-time FacultyAssociate Professor
Yu,Jia-YunFull-time FacultyAssociate Professor
Kang, Kai-LinFull-time FacultyAssistant Professor
YouSheng-HuiFull-time FacultyAssistant Professor
Full-time FacultyAssistant ProfessorCalligraphy, Chinese of the University, Calligraphy Aesthetics, Creative Calligraphy Arts, Research of Calligraphy Special Topic, Practical Writing, Copywriting Presentation
Calligraphy Aesthetics, Calligraphy History, Calligraphy Theory, Calligraphy Comments, Special Topic of Calligraphy Creation, Practical Writing, Cultural and Creative Industry, Special Topic of Community Development, Hakka Industry and Culture, Cultural Assets
Full-time FacultyAssistant Professor
Full-time Faculty專案助理教授Taiwanese literature, college Chinese, pop songs, pop lyrics and AI creationPopular songs, modern prose, modern poetry
Shih, Mei-LingFull-time FacultyLecturerLinguistics, Scholium, Modern Fiction, Literature and Culture
Kuo, Hui-TuanFull-time Faculty助教
Kuo, Tzu-PinFull-time Faculty助教