
Current Status

      I. Introduction

1. Bachelor Program was established in 1965 with 254 students attending now.

2. Extension Education Program was established the in 1968 with 164 students attending now.

3. Graduate Institute of Chinese Literature was added in 1992 with 78 students attending now.

4. In-Service Master Program was established in 1999 with 57 students attending now.

5. PhD Program was established in 2001 with 38 students attending now.

6. We now have a total of 591 students attending in our department.

II. Faculties

A. 21 full-time professors: 7 professors, 5 associate professors, 8 assistant professors, 1 instructor. 20 of them have doctoral degrees.

B. 27 adjunct professors: 9 professors, 3 associate professors, 5 assistant professors and 10 instructors.

C. 4 full-time teaching assistants (one of them serves in Extension Education Center) responsible for administration affairs.